mondays make me lose my sanity.

1.  If you had to eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?


2.  Do you write your blog posts in advance or the day you post them?

The day I post them.

3.  Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?


4.  What is your favorite candle scent?


5.  Coffee or tea?


Time for a little miscellany (in list form)…..

Skype has become my new best friend (except for when it drops my calls).

I ordered part of my birthday present last night! I would post pictures, but I don’t want to ruin the surprise 😉

I’m loving the possibility of date night this week!

The countdown to my little sister getting older is ON! [2 more days of being 21]

The sunshine is begging me to come outside and play.

I’m addicted to FB apps. I am well aware of what a time suck they are. However, I can’t seem to kick the habit.

I’m working on a “101 in 1001” list. Any suggestions for things to put on it?

I’m going to try to talk my mom into going out for dinner since it’s just the two of us tonight and we don’t have to be home until 8.

For the first time since I have started working full time, my wish list is growing again. As bad as that sounds, it’s actually good. That means I’m not buying things when I want them. I’m instead waiting and saving my money!

A stinkbug just landed on me! I must have brought it in from outside. I just threw it across the room.

I can’t end this list on that note, so …. I’m looking for fun day trips for teenagers. Preferably close by and not ridiculously expensive. Have any ideas? The two I already have are tubing down the Chattahoochee River and the laser show at Stone Mountain.

Hope y’all have a marvelous Monday and a ridiculously good week!

[btw, I’ll catch up on the photo challenge tomorrow]



About queenofcrazy

I'm a (not nearly so) wild and (definitely still) crazy mama. I'm married to the love of my life, Jeff, and we have a beautiful little girl, Kaitybug. I am addicted to Mountain Dew and good deals. I'm blessed with a job that I love and a mother who makes working possible. My life is filled to overflowing with wonderful people, and I'm blessed beyond measure.
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4 Responses to mondays make me lose my sanity.

  1. Hi, I’m visiting from meet Me On Monday. You are a woman of few words in answering those questions! 🙂

  2. Michelle says:

    The laser show at Stone Mountain sounds wonderful!

    I love date nights with my hubby.

    Sounds like you have a busy week.


  3. Jo-anne says:

    My 14yo would be happy that you chose potatoes. Its his favourite food too.
    Have a great week!

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